Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cell phone


- It's quite boring! I want to ask you about your sexual life, but I was there when you had one!
- Well, it almost happened something, two weeks ago!
- SHUT UP! Tell me!
- She was drunk, everybody was drunk, except me. (...) Then she kissed me.
- That's so HOT!*
- I asked her if she wants to fuck me.
- Oh my gosh, that's hot!
- We went to the bathroom.
- Shut up! That is hot!!!
- But someone knocked on the door and she ran, scared.
- Sad...
- But I got her phone number.
- Hmmm. Hot!
- And then I found out at my friend is in love with her, and he saw everything.
- Not hot.


* Paris Hilton mode ON

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ap is wrong.

Today I've got the news: the park where my host kid goes, will be closed because they don't receive financial support enough from the government. "Why?", you ask. Because Ap wants to all kids go to kindergarden. "Why?", again. They say because children of immigrants come to school with no norwegian at ALL. For God's sake, school is for what??? TEACH, right? I don't understand why they are whinning about!
With this, Ap will prove one thing: they are no better than the norwegian right wing, because they are thinking for a short while. After that, those kindergarden they built, will close! There aren't enough child here in Norway!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I am not dead!
I am not dead!
I am not dead!
I am not dead!
I am not dead!

I was blocked! Soooorry! Yes, one more time, damn, I am single again! I'll be back soon, not today...too late here in Norway =/