Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup and me

Yes, 2006 is world cup year... everybody is happy, watching your country (or the country you have sympathy) play. Of course, the news from Brazil is like no one thinks about another thing than soccer. A lot of almost naked women dancing, carrying our flag and bla bla bla bla bla...
Is it true? No.
I don't like the portrait from Brazil from USA/European media. They paint us like "happy all the time" (cute way to call a population dumb) and our "freedom" (everybody are naked and we make sex in every possible place). And where the world cup could affect me?
It's simple: in their vision, we are not capable to do other things. We have violence, but we don't care (too busy watching/playing soccer). We don't care about politicians (we care about Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and other soccer players). Ok, yes, we have people who behave like this. But we are not stupid.
I really don't care if Brazil won or lose the world cup. I don't like soccer either. So, why someone still insists to ask me about brazilian soccer team, players, positions or whatever?

3 You are free to cry here:

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous cried...

Dear, dear!!
I would like to have you phone number again. You knou I was robbed.
So, could you please answer me?!
Send me by e-mail. I know today is impossible, but I would like to call you today before a live the job...

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous cried...

Fixing the last sentence:
... before I leave the job.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Kafé Roceiro cried...

I like your visit. See you in Engraçadinha. See you later.
My blog have translate. Sorry, poor english.


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