Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Death and painting

These last days, the death was surrounding me. I discovered my cousin is dead (he died last 23rd of december) and other news I prefer to don't put here. I've started to think...I've never lost any real close people (the closest one was one of my grandfather, dad of my dad, but he never care about me so do I). How will I react when I lose?
Sometimes I prefer to die now, to go away than to see who I like going first. I am a coward about death.
But only one thing I ask to my friends when I die: don't paint me like if I was a cool, perfect person, who loves life and those blablabla we are used to listen everytime. Show me real: someone who pissed off people, hated and loved. But, for some weird reason, someone who you couldn't avoid to have in your life...

3 You are free to cry here:

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous cried...

Yeah i wonder what weird reason that could be...

Don't worry to much about death dear. We may have different faiths, but we are both aware that Death is part of the process, right? Don't fear it too much, but please, there is no hurry in getting there so fast ok? Still wanna see you around for a while.

(and wanting to go first, that is cruel of you. It is nothing but natural for a child to burry their parents. Sad, but natural. But a parent to burry a child, damn, that is probably worse than sad. It must hurt.)

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous cried...

What cosin is dead??
I don't have any news!!
Do I know him??

At 8:54 PM, Blogger MissMoura cried...

The same. Who is? Was my cousin too? Give news.


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